Keys 2 Leisure Lifestyle Services

Keys 2 Leisure Lifestyle Services

Welcome to the Keys 2 Leisure Lifestyle Services, without a doubt the Lifestyle and Services that you deserve.

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Charts by Topic: Leisure and sports activities

  • On an average day, individuals age 15 and over spent more than half of their leisure time watching TV. (Data are from the 2022 survey).
  • On an average day, nearly everyone age 15 and over (96 percent) engaged in some sort of leisure activity such as watching TV, socializing, or exercising. Of those who engaged in leisure activities, men spent more time in these activities (5.8 hours) than did women (5.1 hours).
  • Men were more likely than women to participate in sports, exercise, or recreation on a given day—23 percent compared with 18 percent. On days they participated, men also spent more time in these activities than did women—1.7 hours compared with 1.2 hours.
  • On an average day, adults age 75 and over spent 7.8 hours engaged in leisure activities—more than any other age group; 35- to 44-year-olds spent 4.0 hours engaged in leisure and sports activities—less than other age groups.
  • Employed adults living in households with no children under age 18 engaged in leisure activities for 4.5 hours per day, 1.1 hours more than employed adults living with a child under age 6.

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